Scientific Publishing of Data and Software
There is a growing list of papers and platforms that support the publishing of scientific data and software. This guide is mostly concert with creating software, thus this section is a list of (partially commented) links to platforms, journals, repositories, etc.
Please note, data is not like software. While GitHub can be used for publishing and collecting data as well, you should see if there are more suitable platforms. The field of publishing software and data is an area of research itself: Why not collaborate and be one of the first in your lab, institution or domain to explore this avenue?
The idea of "weaving" code (one of the two aspects of literal programming, "tangling" being the second) and data into a single document, for example Sweave for R or Pweave for Python, is worth exploring for anyone using code within research, even if just for creating plots.
Contributions to the following list are very welcome!
- List of software journals by the Software Sustainability Institute
- EGU 2015 short course "Open Science goes Geo - Part II: Scientific Software", covers journals for publishing software and platforms for publishing (with DOIs etc.)
- sciforge
- DataCite
- Zenodo
- Figshare
- Dryad
- RunMyCode
- ResearchCompendia
- Victoria Stodden (Prof. at Graduate School of Library and Information Science, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): Wiki: Best Practices for Researchers Publishing Computational Results
- Eclipse Science WG
- ...